
Τετάρτη 8 Ιανουαρίου 2025

Απαγόρευση της αιχμαλωσίας κητωδών και στην Γαλλία: Το μεγαλύτερο δελφινάριο της Ευρώπης κλείνει οριστικά μετά από 55 χρόνια λειτουργίας


The closure of Marineland puts an end to a story that began when Count Roland de La Poype - a hero of the second world war - opened the park (1970) dedicated to marine fauna based on what he had seen in the US.

Marineland in Antibes, France is set to close this month. While the closure of a marine-park one step in the right direction, it also illustrates the urgent need for cetacean retirement sanctuariesMarineland Antibes currently houses 2 orcas- 23-year-old Wikie and her 11-year-old son Keijo- as well as 12 bottlenose dolphins.

A French news outlet reported: "The Minister of Ecology, Agnès Pannier-Runacher, announces that she is refusing the transfer of the last two orcas from the water park (Marineland d’Antibes) to Japan. Marineland had made this request to anticipate the French law which prohibits the detention of cetaceans by December 31, 2026. The (animal welfare) associations want them transferred to a marine sanctuary, but according to our information, a park in Spain could ultimately accommodate them". 

There is only one park in Spain with captive orcas- Loro Parque. If such a transfer were to occur, little changes for the animals. They would be moved from one circus-like stadium to another. As more places around the world move to ban/phase out cetacean captivity, the need for dolphin and whale sanctuaries* becomes increasingly critical.

Reacting to the closure, Sanne Kuijpers, Programme Manager at World Animal Protection, highlighted the urgency of ensuring the animals’ future welfare: "World Animal Protection welcomes the closure of Marineland, Antibes, France by January 2025, but is concerned about the future welfare of the animals currently held at the facility... Wikie and Keijo, both born at Marineland, have become the focus of global attention. Recent rumours that the orcas might be sold to an aquarium in Japan were dismissed following a court ruling. While French authorities have expressed a preference for relocating them to the Whale Sanctuary Project’s seaside sanctuary in Nova Scotia, Canada, this solution is not without complications". 

The Whale Sanctuary Project, currently under development, has openly expressed willingness to accept Wikie and Keijo. However, as Kuijpers emphasised, professional health assessments are critical before any transfer can take place... Another option is Loro Parque in Tenerife, Spain, where they would likely be kept in a concrete tank and routinely bred and forced to perform in circus-style shows. This venue has space following the recent death of one of its orcas, Keto. However, this would mean captivity for the rest of the orcas' lives. 

The closure of Marineland Antibes highlights the urgent need for countries worldwide to ban the breeding and capture of cetaceans. Kuijpers called on governments to take action to prevent the continuation of this cycle: "It is vital that all countries that have captive orca and dolphin facilities implement policies that restrict their breeding and capture, to prevent venues exacerbating the problem by holding more animals captive in order to turn a profit. We need to make this the last generation of dolphins suffering in captivity"**.  

France’s legislation provides a roadmap for progress, but Kuijpers stressed the need for further global action: "We also call on countries such as Greece, Canada and France to  the development of seaside sanctuaries for dolphins and orcas. This will enable adequate care for animals who need it, as more and more dolphinaria will be closing their doors in the future".***


at https://www.worldanimalprotection.org.uk/latest/news/marineland-closure/

Read more at 
at https://www.theguardian.com/world/2025/jan/06/marineland-french-marine-zoo-shuts-orcas-killer-whales-wikie-keijo

*ΑΛΗΘΙΝΑ καταφύγια

**Ο κόσμος δεν αλλάζει από την μια μέρα στην άλλη. Εν προκειμένω, στην Γαλλία, η απαγόρευση θεσμοθετήθηκε έμμεσα και εφαρμόζεται σταδιακά. Για την ιστορία που προηγήθηκε, βλ. Fb at https://www.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=3695288263849438&id=221309034580729 [Αύγουστος 2020]

***Σημειωτέον ότι απαγόρευση της αιχμαλωσίας κητωδών θεσπίστηκε (μετά από πολλά χρόνια αγώνων), από τον περασμένο Νοέμβριο, και στο Βέλγιο, αν και με χρονικό ορίζοντα εφαρμογής μέχρι το 2037 [βλ. The Brussels TimesworldanimalnewseureporterWANGAIADolphin ProjectDOLPHINARIA FREE EUROPESPECIES UNITEMy Dolphin Club].

To read in Greek go at https://gatouiti-blog.blogspot.com/2025/01/blog-post.html


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